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Google Sitemap XML creation in Magento

Recently for a website, I made code for Google Sitemap. This script creates product xml which we need to list our products in Google. To create this follow below process:

  • Create a php file and put it on root. Lets name the file Googlexml.php 
  • This file will create an xml file whenever we hit the file. 
  • We also needs to make a destination directory for output xml file inside media folder. Let's say the folder name is /GMC. Output file would be automation.xml.
That's it, let's start the coding part. Please copy and paste below script in Googlexml.php file.




    $documentRoot = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"];

} else {

    $pathArray = explode('Googlexml.php', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);

    $documentRoot = $pathArray[0];


require_once $documentRoot.'/ROOT_FOLDER/app/Mage.php';


$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()


        ->addAttributeToFilter('status', 1)

        ->addAttributeToSelect(array('sku', 'name', 'short_description', 'small_image', 'url_path', 'news_from_date', 'news_to_date', 'special_from_date', 'special_price', 'special_to_date', 'price', 'manufacturer'))

        ->setOrder('entity_id', 'DESC');

$feed_data = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'."\n";

$feed_data .= '<rss xmlns:g="" version="2.0">'."\n";

$feed_data .= "\t".'<channel>'."\n";

$feed_data .= "\t\t".'<title>STORENAME</title>'."\n";

$feed_data .= "\t\t".'<link>STOREURL</link>'."\n";

$feed_data .= "\t\t".'<description>This is a sample feed containing the required and recommended attributes for a variety of different products</description>'."\n";

foreach($products as $product)


    foreach($product->getCategoryIds() as $catId)


        $productType = $categoryTree = array();

        $path = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($catId)->getPath();

        if($path != '')


            $ids = array_slice(explode('/', $path), 2);



                foreach($ids as $id)

                    $productType[] = $categoryTree[] = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($id)->getName();






    if(strlen($product->getShortDescription()) > 45)

        $shortDescription = $product->getShortDescription();


        $shortDescription = "Buy ".$product->getAttributeText('manufacturer')." ".$product->getName()." at Rs. ".((number_format($product->getFinalPrice(),2) != number_format($product->getPrice(),2))?number_format($product->getFinalPrice(),2):number_format($product->getPrice(),2))." online in India. Set Of ".$product->getBoughtas()." Pieces: ".$product->getShortDescription().": Urbandazzle";



    if($product->getAttributeText('manufacturer') != '' && $product->getPrice() != 0) {

        $feed_data .= "\t\t".'<item>'."\n";

        $feed_data .= "\t\t\t".'<g:id><![CDATA['.$product->getId().'/'.$product->getSku().']]></g:id>'."\n";

        $feed_data .= "\t\t\t".'<title><![CDATA['.$product->getName().']]></title>'."\n";

        $feed_data .= "\t\t\t".'<description><![CDATA['.$shortDescription.']]></description>'."\n";

        $feed_data .= "\t\t\t".'<g:google_product_category><![CDATA['.implode('>', $categoryTree).']]></g:google_product_category>'."\n";

        $feed_data .= "\t\t\t".'<g:product_type><![CDATA['.implode('>', ((count($productType))?$productType:$categoryTree)).']]></g:product_type> '."\n";

        $feed_data .= "\t\t\t".'<link><![CDATA['.$product->getProductUrl().']]></link>'."\n";


            $feed_data .= "\t\t\t".'<g:image_link><![CDATA['.Mage::getBaseUrl('media').'catalog/product'.$product->getSmallImage().']]></g:image_link>'."\n";

        $feed_data .= "\t\t\t".'<g:condition>'.$new.'</g:condition>'."\n";

        $feed_data .= "\t\t\t".'<g:availability>'.(($product->getIsInStock())?'in stock':'out of stock').'</g:availability>'."\n";

        $feed_data .= "\t\t\t".'<g:price>'.sprintf('%0.2f', $product->getPrice()).' INR</g:price>'."\n";

        if(sprintf('%0.2f', $product->getFinalPrice()) != sprintf('%0.2f', $product->getPrice()))

            $feed_data .= "\t\t\t".'<g:sale_price>'.sprintf('%0.2f', $product->getFinalPrice()).' INR</g:sale_price>'."\n";

        $feed_data .= "\t\t\t".'<g:brand><![CDATA['.$product->getAttributeText('manufacturer').']]></g:brand>'."\n";

        $feed_data .= "\t\t".'</item>'."\n";



$feed_data .= "\t".'</channel>'."\n";

$feed_data .= '</rss>'."\n";

$fileDir = Mage::getBaseDir('media').DS.'GMC';

$filePath = Mage::getBaseDir('media').DS.'GMC'.DS.'automation.xml';



if(!file_exists($fileDir)) {


    chmod($fileDir, 0777);


if(is_dir($fileDir)) {

    $fp = fopen($filePath, 'w');

    fwrite($fp, $feed_data);




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