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Showing posts from February, 2013

Quick Order Placement Form

If we want to place fast and quick order. We want to list all the product along with their categories  and price. For achieving this goal we have to follow these steps: 1) Create Template File : Create a template  file at /app/design/frontend/default/blanco/template/catalog/product/list_fast_order.phtml which will the list of all products along with their categories and Price listing. 2) Edit Layout : Before this we have to add the phtml file in catalog.xml file. 3) Get Result :  In list_fast_order.phtml file we have to show the product category wise /*assume we want to get all products of category id 5 */ $catid_1 = 5; /*we are loading all the products from category id 5 */ $_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($catid_1); $subs = $_category->getAllChildren(true); /* Use for loop for making result array */ $result = array(); foreach($subs as $cat_id) { $category = new Mage_Catalog_Model_...